Friday, March 22, 2013

Why I'm Un-Friending Facebook

I would not consider myself to be a Facebook addict; I check it once or twice a day mainly to see what acquaintances have been up to. My close friends are close enough where I see or speak with them often enough to stay caught up.

However, I'm growing more annoyed with the posts my acquaintances leave on my timeline - don't get me wrong, I'm all for posting what you want, or what you believe, or whatever you want...but today I'm quitting Facebook because:

  • I can't remember what I had for breakfast, and I really don't care what you had, nor do I need to see a photo of it
  • I'm happy you found your miracle diet pill, power shake, workout ritual, voodoo or whatever - but leaving 25 posts a day saying it's the best thing EVER un-motivates me from ever trying it
  • I completely agree with your right to be pro-gun or anti-gun, pro-choice or pro-life, Republican or Democrat or whatever...but anyone who knows me realizes I've already made up my mind and I'm not changing regardless of how many posts you flood Facebook with
  • Inspirational quotes about mothers, daughters, kittens or unicorns with instructions to 'Like' if I agree, or was impacted by the quote, or can relate to the quote make me throw up in my mouth a little...
  • Although one in about a hundred of the old time photos with modern quips are mildly amusing, the rest are wastes of cyberspace
  • Lastly, I don;t want to play LotsOSlots, PopSong, BallBreaker or any other time-wasting game, and I sure as hell don't care that you played and who you beat or lost to...
So, I've started to un-friend anyone who has posted something that falls into the categories above...

Gone are the "posts too many photos" people...
          deleted are the "my 9.5 hour workout today was so refreshing" posters...
                    wiped clean the "agree with my viewpoint or you're an idiot" contacts... number of 'friends' has really gone down...

Whew...lots of acquaintances, friends and relatives were taken out there. I'm down 13 'friends,' none of whom I've actually met in person...

Worst of all, now what I going to skim through when I'm eating my biscuits and gravy and thinking of all the people I should send a picture of my breakfast to?